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Which of the following tool types is the most useful one for a test manager?
A. Modeling tool
B. Static analysis tool
C. Coverage measurement tool
D. Defect tracking tool
The following diagram lists various types of operating systems, databases and application servers supported by the application under test. For complete coverage of all combinations, how many combinations of the above are to be tested?
A. 11
B. 5
C. 45
D. 3
Which of the following is NOT a factor on which test estimation is dependent upon?
A. Defect debugging and resolution
B. The outcome of testing of previous test cycle
C. Characteristics of the development process
D. Characteristics of the product
Which of the following is a task of the “Test Analysis and Design” activity of the test process?
A. Measuring the percentage of prepared test cases with what was actually prepared
B. Identifying necessary test data to support the test conditions and test cases
C. Verifying that the test environment has been set up correctly
D. Checking test logs against the exit criteria specified in test planning
Given the following requirement:
Requirement ID: 2.8
Requirement Description: Additional Entrance Fee
Detailed Description:
An additional fee of $3 is charged during the weekend, but
Visitors aged under 7 are not charged.
Visitors aged 7 to 13 inclusive get a 20% discount off the additional fee.
Visitors aged greater than 65 get a 50% discount off the additional fee.
Age should be an integer of 0 or above.
Weekend means Friday to Sunday inclusive.
Which of the following statements is NOT correct?
A. 7 and 13 are boundary values for the equivalence partition including age 10.
B. Thursday is a valid input boundary value
C. A minimum of 6 valid test cases are derived from boundary value analysis based on input age
D. $3.01 is a valid output boundary value
Which of the following defect types are LEAST likely to be discovered when using static analysis tools?
A. Variables that are never used
B. Coding standard violations
C. Memory leaks
D. Uncalled functions and procedures
Out of the following, what is not needed to specify in the defect report?
A. How to fix the defect
B. Severity and priority
C. Test environment details
D. How to reproduce the defect
Which ONE of the following statements does NOT describe how testing contributes to higher quality?
A. Performing a review of the requirement specifications before implementing the system can enhance quality
B. The testing of software demonstrates the absence of defects
C. Properly designed tests that pass reduce the level of risk in a system
D. Software testing identifies defects, which can be used to improve development activities
Testing should provide sufficient information to stakeholders to make informed decisions about the release of the software or system being tested. At which of the following fundamental test process activity the sufficiency of the testing and the resulting information are assessed?
A. Implementation and execution
B. Requirements specification
C. Evaluating exit criteria and reporting
D. Analysis and design
A Software was re-deployed because the backend database was changed from one vendor to another. The Test Manager decided to perform some functional tests on the redeployed system.
This is an example of a test of which test type?
A. Regression tests
B. Non-functional tests
C. Structural tests
D. Unit tests
Which of the following is a correct set of boundary values to test the “Group Size” parameter, as defined by the following statement:
“In a reservation system for groups visiting a small museum, the graphical user interface presents a field asking the number of group members. Group size can be anywhere from 2 to 20 visitors”.
A. 0, 1, 8, 21, 22
B. 0, 1, 2, 3, 10, 19, 20, 21, 22
C. 2, 3, 19, 20
D. 1, 2, 20, 21
A software company decided to buy a commercial application for its accounting operations. As part of the evaluation process, the company decided to assemble a team to test a number of candidate applications. Which team would be the most suitable for this goal?
A. A team from an outsourcing company which specializes in testing accounting software
B. A team with a mix of software testers and experts from the accounting department
C. A team of users from the accounting department that will need to use the application on daily basis
D. A team from the company’s testing team, due to their experience in testing software
The following test cases for a Library Management System are available to test changes made to the functions and data structures associated with borrowers.
Add a new borrower to the system
Update a borrower’s data
Remove a borrower from the system
Loan a book to a borrower
Return a book from a borrower
Reserve a book for a borrower
Send “reservation ready” message to a borrower
Which of the following test sequences represents a possible use case?
(a test sequence always start with test #1)
A. 1-4-2-7-5-6-3
B. 1-6-2-5-7-4-3
C. 1-6-4-7-5-3-2
D. 1-2-6-7-4-5-3
A money order system is designed to calculate the charge for a transfer.
– Amounts from 1 to 1999 are charged EUR 10.
– Amounts from 2000 to 5000 are charged EUR 15.
– Amounts below EUR 1 or above EUR 5000 are not accepted. Assume that only integer values can occur.
Which of these sets of amounts covers all equivalence classes?
A. 0-1999-2000-5000
B. 1-2000-5001-10000
C. 0-100-2000-6000
D. 0,99-1-2000-4999,99
The following incident report that was generated during a test of a web application.
What would you suggest as the most important report improvement?
Defect detected date: 15.8.2010
Defect detected by: Joe Smith
Test level: System test
Test case: Area 5/TC 98
Build version: 2011-16.2
Defect description: After having filled out all required fields in screen 1, I click ENTER to continue to screen 2. Nothing happens, no system response at all.
A. Add an impact analysis
B. Add information about which developer should fix the bug
C. Add the time stamp when the incident happened
D. Add information about which web browser was used
Which of the following statements is true?
A. Incident management tools are used by testers only
B. A configuration management tool has nothing to do with testing
C. Test management tools are used by managers only
D. A requirements management tool may be considered as test support tool
One organization is working on updating test cases for a particular module of their software.
Sam updated a set of test cases yesterday and saved the new version on his PC.
Unfortunately, the hard disk of his PC crashed, and his work was lost.
The IT department of the organization restored the contents of his hard disk with the last available back-up – from the previous morning. However, the changes made by him yesterday were lost forever.
Which of the following tools, had it been used, would have prevented the loss of Sam’s updates?
A. Incident Management Tool
B. Configuration Management Tool
C. Test Execution tool
D. Backup tool
Which of the following statements about decision tables are TRUE?
I. Generally, decision tables are generated for low risk test items.
II. Test cases derived from decision tables can be used for component tests.
III. Several tests cases can be selected for each column of the decision table.
IV. The conditions in the decision table represent negative tests generally.
D. I, IV
“Statement Testing” is part of:
A. Experience based testing
B. Decision Testing
C. Specification Based testing
D. Structured based testing
Which of the following describes a task performed as part of the “Test Implementation and
Execution” activity?
A. Logging the outcome of test execution and reporting bugs.
B. Evaluating the testability of the test basis and test objects.
C. Assessing if the specified exit criteria should be changed.
D. Selecting metrics for monitoring test execution and defect resolution.
Which of the following defects can NOT be found by static analysis tools?
A. Infinite tools
B. Wrong business rules
C. Syntax errors of the code
D. Undefined variables
Which of the following tools can be used by developers, testers and quality assurance personnel in looking for defects prior to dynamic testing?
A. Static Analysis tool
B. Modeling tool
C. Test data preparation tool
D. Configuration management tool
Which of the following statements about estimation of the test effort is WRONG?
A. Effort estimate can be inaccurate because the quality of the product under tests is not known.
B. Once the test effort is estimated, resources can be identified and a schedule can be drawn up.
C. Experience based estimation is one of the estimation techniques.
D. Effort estimate depends on the budget of the project.
Consider the following excerpt from a test report: “We tested the module AX45T and we got only 1 failure. To recreate the failure, we used test file PR624_DR78_TCB0022.pkr, available under the PR624_DR78 repository in the CK01 server”. Which incident report objective does this excerpt satisfy?
A. Provides developers with information to isolate the failure.
B. Does not belong to an incident report.
C. Provides Project Managers with information on the project risks.
D. Provides test managers with information to report test progress.
You need to test the login page of a web site. The page contains fields for user name and password. Which test design techniques are most appropriate for this case?
A. Decision table testing, state transition testing
B. Equivalence partitioning, Boundary value analysis.
C. Exploratory testing, statement coverage.
D. Decision coverage, fault attack.
What of the following statements regarding walkthrough are NOT true?
A. A walkthrough is lead by a moderator and requires pre-meeting preparation and post meeting follow up.
B. A walkthrough may take the form of scenarios, dry runs and peer group review.
C. The purpose of a walkthrough is to establish common understanding of a document and to find possible defects in it.
D. Pre-meeting preparation, documentation and distribution of results are optional for a walkthrough.
A program is used to control a manufacturing line (turn machines on and off, start and stop conveyor belts, add raw materials to the flow, etc.)
Not all actions are possible at all times. For example, there are certain manufacturing stages that cannot be stopped – unless there is an emergency.
A tester attempts to evaluate if all such cases (where a specific action is not allowed) are covered by the tests.
Which coverage metric will provide the needed information for this analysis?
A. Branch Coverage
B. Statement Coverage
C. Data flow Coverage
D. Code Coverage
Which of the following statements regarding incidents is NOT true?
A. Incidents should be tracked from discovery and classification to correction and confirmation of the solution.
B. The discrepancies between actual and expected outcomes needs to be logged as incidents.
C. Since incidents are the discrepancies between actual and expected outcomes they cannot be raised during development.
D. Incidents may be raised during development, review, testing or use of a software product.
A team’s test strategy was to invest equal effort in testing each of a system’s modules. After running one test cycle, it turned out that most of the critical bugs were detected in one of the system’s modules. Which testing principal suggests a change to the current test strategy for the next test cycle?
A. Defect clustering
B. Early testing
C. Pesticide Paradox
D. Absence-of-errors fallacy
Which of the following tools is most likely to detect defects in functions or methods in source code?
A. unit test framework tool
B. configuration management tool
C. test design tool
D. monitoring tool